Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Road Flares

It always seems that no matter how good things are going your mind likes to play tricks on you. I like to call these little trips road flares. Points along your journey when your eyes are drawn to something that is bright and shiny but has no clear purpose in your trip. Most of the time it just succeeds in making the journey to your destination longer. Sure sometimes it warns of impending danger but when do you ever see it as that. They are simply glowing sticks of distraction. I wish that I didnt find these objects so fascinating and then lose sight of what exactly it is that I am headed for. I guess all I'm trying to say is that I wish life was just a little more clear and that i didnt have to be constantly distracted by little things that I know are just road flares that will burn out. It's all temporal but I cant seem to get that into my head.

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